
Our goal is to build a life long love of the game hockey, as well to get fit and have fun.
Games and training
All junior games are played at the Marrara Hockey Centre on a Saturday morning from 8am except the Under 16 age division which probably plays on a Friday evening.
Training is on a Thursdays, at 5.30 – 6.30
All clubs have a fixed training day and this is set until 2026. We train on Thursday nights.
Age Divisions
The age divisions are determined by NT Hockey. The division your child plays in is determined by their age at the 1st of January.
U8 mixed
Under 8s is played on a modified field, 8th of size of a full-length pitch. Games are typically played between 8 and 10am on a Saturday morning. They comprise of two 15 mins halves with 6 players on the field with no specified goalie. The coach is permitted on the field to instruct and guide the young players. A parent helper assists the coach to sub players on and off the field.
U10 mixed
Under 10s 5-a-side is played on a modified field, approximately a third the size of a full-length pitch. Games may be played anytime between 9am and 1pm on a Saturday. They comprise of 2 x 20 minute halves with 5 players on the field. The provision of a goalie is optional. The coach is Permitted on the field.
5-1-side U12 boys / girls
Under 12s 5-a-side is played on a third of a field. Games may be played on a Saturday anytime between 8am and 2pm. The games comprise of 4 x 12 minute quarters with 5 players on the field. The provision of a goalie is optional. The coach is not permitted on the field, however is allowed to walk along the sidelines between both 25 yard lines.
U16 boys and U16 girls
Under 16s 5 -a-side is played on third of a field, often at night under lights. Generally, their games are on Friday night, although this year they are looking to trial some Sunday nights. The games are played as per adult 5-a-side rules. Many players commence playing in seniors at this age.
Age Divisons
Under 8s mixed
Under 10 mixed
Under 12 boys and girls
Under 16 boys and girls
2024 Junior Fees
- Under 8s: $100
- Juniors: $100
- Juniors playing seniors: $300
- Junior playing seniors as a goalie (own gear): $300
- Casual junior game: $25 (per game)
We accept the NT Schools Sports voucher!

Fees and Sports vouchers
You need to pay fees to the club as well as annual insurance to Hockey Australia.
Registrations need to be made via the online portal, there will not be any paper form registrations this year. However direct payments can be made by selecting $0 dollars (cash option) when completing the online registration form.
Direct deposits can be made into the following account.
East Darwin Storm Hockey Club
BSB: 035311
A/C: 195546
When making payment, to use your surname as a reference.
Club Fees
Fees are set by the committee at the beginning of each year. The committee are mindful that children’s sport can become expensive, so the club tries to keep our sport as affordable as possible.
The fees you will pay goes to cover the administration of hockey. These include (but not limited too) team nomination fees, turf fees for games and training, umpires and their continued education, game equipment and maintenance of the hockey facilities.
Hockey Australia Insurance
In addition to our club fees, all participants actively involved with hockey must have Hockey Australia and Hockey NT insurance which is a separate fee, payable directly to Hockey Australia automatically upon registration. As of 2022, all juniors playing hockey in Australia need to have this $47.00 paid before they take the field.
Volunteers and parents who actively participate also need to have this insurance which is on the most part free of charge.
Sports Vouchers
The club is accepts the School Sports Vouchers from the NT Government.
Children living in an urban area are eligible to receive two $100 sport vouchers each year. One in January and one in July, for sport, recreation and cultural activities.
You no longer receive the vouchers via the school, you need to apply via the NT Government website.
You should receive the voucher via email. Please forward them to the Treasurer.
Uniforms and Equipment
East Darwin Storm Hockey Club play in a Red, White and Blue uniform.
All juniors play in a sleeved playing shirt except the under 17 division who play in senior playing singlets with numbers. Junior age divisions do not require playing numbers.
Boys and girls play in an Easts sleeved playing shirt and Easts blue socks. Boys wear royal blue shorts and girls wear royal blue skorts.
If you have ordered a uniform and are awaiting it’s delivery, you can wear a white t-shirt with royal blue shorts and socks.
We also recommend buying a bucket hat, quality sunscreen and a large water bottle.
Merchandise Costs
- Socks: $15
- Playing shirts: $40
- Girls skort: $25
- Boys shorts: $25
- Walk-out shirt (Supporter shirts): $25
- Bucket Hat: $15
Order through the Uniform Coordinator or online here.
Other things you need
Hockey Stick
Hockey sticks can be purchased from local sports stores including the Cricket and Football Shop, Rebel and others. You can also purchase hockey sticks from online stores like Just Hockey, Hockey International and Hockey World (there are plenty more). As a junior, a good rule of thumb when purchasing a hockey stick is to purchase a stick which comes up to or just over the child’s belly button but your coach is a great person to talk to when selecting sizes.
Shin-guards (shin pads or shinnies) are compulsory for game play. They are available for purchase from most sporting stores starting from $10. When purchasing shin-guards, look for ankle protection. Soccer shin-guards usually do not offer ankle protection so try and find hockey specific guards. At an entry level, the soccer style shin-guards as a minimum will be adequate.
Mouth Guards
While mouth guards are not compulsory they are highly recommended. There are two main styles of mouth guards. The ‘boil and bite’ mouth guard is cheap and readily available from most chemists and sporting stores starting from $10. A custom mouth guard may be obtained from your Private Dentist or from the NT Government Dental Hospital. Please note that the Dental Hospital only issues two free mouth guards in a child’s lifespan, a letter from East Darwin confirming your child’s registration with the club is also required. To request a letter, please email juniorvp@edhc.com.au.
Some people chose to wear a glove on their left hand to offer some protection to that hand when tackling. This glove also give protection to your knuckles when you get down low applying a block tackle as the turf can graze your knuckles easily. These gloves are available form sports outlets.
Inners are something some people wear under their shin-guards for comfort and to help reduce sweat.
State Selection
Playing representative hockey is a very rewarding goal for many hockey players. State selection is administered by Hockey NT for the Territories under 13, 15 and 18 boys and girls teams.
Selection is usually in the form of one or more trials. During these trials athletes will be required to perform various physical testing including a beep test and sprint gate speed testing.
Athletes will also be tested on various hockey related skills including (but not limited to); Passing, receiving, attitude, game knowledge, coach ability, physical ability and leadership.
These selections are competitive.
Upon state selection, state teams enter a pre-tournament training phase with intensive coaching on all aspects of game play and then the team will travel to the host state to participate in the Australian Championships of their age group.
There are additional fees associated with state selection which are not covered by your standard club fees. These fees include uniforms, flights, accommodation, transport to and from the venue, food and *some* entertainment.
I have been playing hockey since I was 8 years old, as my Mum is a C grade women player and wanted my sister and I to join her in playing hockey. I am currently in my first year as an under 17. East Darwin Storm hockey club is a great club, I would recommend anyone to join.
Ready to join us
Contact Junior President
To be confirmed
Postal Address
PO Box 42080, Casuarina NT
Facebook Group